Mifne Research Publications

A Retrospective Study of Prodromal Variables Associated with Autism among a Global Group of Infants during their First Fifteen Months of Life, Alonim A.H, Lieberman I, Schayngesicht G, Braude H and Tayar D. International Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care. 2021
A Comparative Study of Infants and Toddlers Treated with the Mifne Approach Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alonim A.H, Lieberman I, Schayngesicht G, Braude H and Tayar D., International Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care. 2021
Treatment of eating disorders of infants diagnosed with autism applying the Mifne method: A Clinical Case Study", Alonim, H. A., Papatheodorou T., Liberman,I. Emerging Programs for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Improving Communication, Behavior, and Family Dynamics Edited by Papaneophy, N. Elsevier, 2021
"Exploration in the Presence of Mother in Typically and Non-typically Developing Pre-walking Human Infants", Frostig, T., Alonim, A.H., Scheingesicht, G., Benjamini Y., Golani. Frontiers, November. 2020
Symposium in honor of Prof. Ilan Golani, January 2019
To watch Prof. Ilan Golani’s words on The Mifne Center click this link
This lecture is regarding the “Exploration in the presence of mother in human infants” this research is conducted in The Mifne Center, Rosh Pinna, Israel
Symposium in honor of Prof. Ilan Golani, January 2019
To watch Prof. Yoav Benjamini, from Tel-Aviv University with his concluding remarks click this link
This lecture is regarding the “Exploration in the presence of mother in human infants” this research is conducted in The Mifne Center, Rosh Pinna, Israel
A Comparative Study of Infants and Toddlers Treated with The Mifne Approach Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alonim, A.H., Lieberman, I., Tayar, Scheingesicht, G., and Braude, H.D. In: U. Das, N. Papaneophytou and T. El Kour, eds. Autism 360˚, Elsevier Science. Academic Press, pp.277-300. 2019
Identification of Very Early Signs of Autism: Clinical and Research Perspectives, Alonim, A.H., Lieberman, I., Scheingesicht, G., Tayar, D., Braude, H.D., Journal of Problems of Education, Rehabilitation and Socialization of the Disabled, Tom 24, Poland. 2017
Challenged Parenthood: Treating families with infants at risk for autism – Theory, Treatment and Research, Alonim, A.H., Haifa University. 2016
Gender Differences in the Prodromal Symptoms of Autism in Infancy, Alonim H., et al, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer. 2016
Identification of Very Early Signs of Autism: Implications of Clinical and Treatment Evidence, Alonim et al, University of Durham, England. 2014
Early Signs of Autism in First Year of Life: Identification of Key Factors Using Artificial Neural Networks, Alonim. A. H., Grossi, E., Tayar, D., Lieberman, I., IMFAR, US. 2014
Further Thoughts on Miriam Voran's Response: Containment, Origin of the Self, and Pathways to Autism, Alonim, A. H. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 13, pp. 270-279. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (Invited paper). 2014
This paper was written as a comment to Voran’s paper:
Response to Alonim and Schore: Containment, Origins of the self, and pathways to Autism, Voran, M,. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2014
Commentary on The Protest of 6-month-Old Girl, Alonim, A. H., Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 12, pp. 1-8. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (Invited paper). 2013
This paper was written as a comment to Voran’s paper: The Protest of a 6-Month-Old Girl: Is This a Prodrome of Autism?, Voran, M., Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 2013
Eating Disorders in Toddlers with Autism, Alonim, A. H., Speaking Autism. Lectures collection. Tel Aviv University Press. 2013
Identification of Early Signs of Autism in First Year of Life, Alonim, A. H. IMFAR. 2013
Early Signs of Autism in Infants, Alonim, A. H., Tayar, D., Lieberman, I., Scheingesicht, G. Israeli Journal of Pediatrics. vol. 76. 29-31. 2011
Investigation of Family Therapy and Treatment of Children's Eating Disorders Employed in the Mifne Intervention Programme for Young Children with Autism, Alonim, A. H., Anglia Ruskin University, U.K. 2010
Infants at Risk: Early Signs of Autism: Diagnosis and Treatment, Alonim, A.H.,. In A.H. Alonim, S. Acquarone, G. Crespin, L. Danon-Boileau, S. Maestro, H. Massie, F. Muratori, M. Rhode and C. Trevarthen, eds. Signs of Autism in Infants: Recognition and Early Intervention, London: Karnac Books, pp. 118-138. 2007
Twenty years of Mifne, Alonim, H., Notza Vakesset, Dana code, Israel, pp.136-1503. 2007
Retrospective Evaluation of an Intensive Method of Treatment for Children with PDD, Apter, A., Vograft, I., Alonim, A. H., Autism, 11(5), pp. 413-424. 2007
The Mifne Model of Autism treatment: Using Early Intensive and Sequential Multidisciplinary Intervention, Nimar. S., Alonim. A. H., The Israel Journal of Family Practice, 16(132), pp.49-54. 2006
Infants at Risk, Alonim, A. H., JIDR Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Conference Issue, vol. 48. France. 2004
The Mifne Method, Alonim, A. H., The Mifne Method. Journal of Child & Adolescence Mental Health, 16(1), pp.39-43. 2004
Integration of Children with Autism in Mainstream School, Alonim, A. H., Integration of Children with Autism in Mainstream School. Israel: Education Ministry publication. 2001