Media Publications
Israeli Media
-, O abordare unică în tratarea autismului. Cum Dr. Hanna Alonim a deschis drumul spre diagnosticarea timpurie a autismului. December 2024
13 פרסומי המחקרים הבולטים של אוניברסיטת בר אילן בשנה האחרונה, מספר 9 מציג מחקר של מרכז מפנה
Haaretz Newspaper: “Autism in Children: Detecting Early Signs and Reducing Exposure to Screens”, April 2
(Kol HaGalil ELyon), International Autism Day, April 2, 2020, Voice of the Upper Galilee, radio interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim, Head of the Mifne Center
על הצפון, בואו לעשות את המפנה, 1 באפריל 2020
Radio interview on Autism with Dr. Hanna Alonim, February 12th, KAN Reshet Beit – Interviewer Peer Lee Shahar (The interview starts at 10:22 min)
Haifa And North News, December – Gala Evening Marking 30th Anniversary of the Mifne Center
רדיו קול הגליל העליון, ראיון רדיופוני עם ד"ר חנה אלונים, ראשת מרכז מפנה. יום האוטיזם, 2 באפריל 2020
Haifa And North News, 22 November – Mifne Center – Gala Evening
Outside the Bubble, Channel 10, January 26, Amira Buzaglo interviews Dr. Hanna Alonim
"Boker Or” with Danny Roop, Channel 10, interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim
Five years on- follow-up Oshrat Kotler, TV magazine- channel 10 (watch from minute 29:39)
Israel Hayom April 2015, “Once I felt like I was living in my own world, a stranger and alone. Today, I dream about the future.” — Corporal Dan Kourkovsky will light a torch at this year’s Israel Independence Celebrations on Mt. Herzl. Dan, who was diagnosed with high-functioning autism, was treated at the Mifne Center in Rosh Pinna as a child. He went to a regular school, completed full matriculation and serves now in the military intelligence unit in the IDF. Today he is one of the best code decipherers in his unit.
Radio Zafon, Interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim by Prof. Borenstein January 16, 2015
Haaretz, Hanna Alonim, April, 2014
Kol Israel – Arabic Radio program “Bon Cafe” – Interview with Miriam, the mother of a child who was treated at The Mifne Center. (Interview commences at minute 00:22:00), November 10, 1012
Haaretz, “The Moon Children”: Interview with Prof. Courchesne and Dr. Pierce, guests at the Bar-Ilan University and Mifne Center Conference, July 15, 2012
Galatz, Yael Dan – Radio interview (The interview commences after 44:54 minutes), October 26, 2011
Mako Website, Research: Autism Can be Identified Before the Age of One Year, June 26, 2011
Maariv, Another miracle that happened in the Galilee, Yonathan Gefen, October 2011
Mako website, Research: Autism can be detected before the age of one year, June 2011
TV Channel 10, A Story: Treatment at the Mifne Center – A New Life: Is there a Solution to Autism? by Oshrat Kotler,, June 25, 2011
Haaretz, Early Sings of Autism, May 29, 2011
TV Channel 10, Health Magazine – Prof. Karaso Interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim, April, 2011
Nana, Early Signs of Autism, February 4, 2008
Time Out Magazine, A Happening at Mifne, July, 2008
Menta Magazine, A Turning Point, Vol. 89, February, 2008
-, March, 2007
To Be a Family, The Riddle Named Autism, Vol 113, October, 2006
Parents and Children, Renewing Relations, #207, April 2005
Ma’ariv Health Magazine, Is Your Child Disconnected and Distant? November, 2005
Yediot Aharonot, June, 2004
International Media
El Imparcial (Spanish), El autismo se puede identificar desde el primer año de vida, January 2022
Newsweek, Autism Symptoms in Children Can Be Detected and Treated Much Sooner, New Studies Show, January, 2022
Miami Herald, Signs of autism can be spotted earlier than thought, studies say. Why that’s good news, January 2022
Sputnik, Ισραηλινοί επιστήμονες εντοπίζουν τον αυτισμό έναν χρόνο μετά τη γέννηση των μωρών 31.12.2021
Forbes, A New Study Shows The Importance Of Early Diagnosis Of Autism Spectrum Disorder, December 31, 2021
Autism Parenting Magazine, Study Results: Scientists Identify Autism within a Year of Birth December 30, 2021
The Jerusalem Post, Israeli scientists identify autism within a year after birth – study, December 29, 2021
WION India, Israeli scientists devise new way to detect autism symptoms in newborns, December 29, 2021
The Jewish Press, Bar-Ilan U. & Mifne Center Show Autism Can Be Detected in First Year of Life, December 28,2021
Eurekalert, Autism can be identified as early as the first year of life 28 DEC, 2021
24v. Ukraine, Interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim, March 2021
New York Times, Early Treatment for Autism Is Critical, New Report Says, January 6, 2020
Autism in Infancy, Commentary response by Dr. Alonim and Dr. Braude, The Mifne Center
Interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim – Filipo Nicoletti – Autism Magazine, Rome, June 7, 2018
The Mifne team with the Swiss Ambassador, Mr. Jean-Daniel Ruch, Tachles, February 16, 2018
Dr. Hanna Alonim interviews to DELO newspaper, Slovenia: Treating children in the first months of life can change their future, August 24, 2017
ElternMagazin Fritz + Fränzi (page 30), Switzerland, August 2017
Israel Between the lines, Magazine about life in Israel – Early diagnosis of autism has 88% chance of Saving Lives, February 2, 2017
International Press Portal for Human Rights and Peace, interview with Dr. Hanna Alonim
TED talk by Guy Shahar: Autism and the treatment at The Mifne Center 2016
Israel Between the lines, Magazine about life in Israel – BBC broadcast Israeli drama: ‘The A Word’, April 2016
Tachles, Nr. 45 Das Judische Wochenmagazin, Zurich Switzerland, November 9, 2012
Tachles – 25 years of Mifne, November, 2012
Tages-Anzeiger, August, 2010
Newsweek Magazine, March, 2008 – Testing Baby's Brain, Medecinews, May, 2008
Fit Pregnancy Magazine, Early Detection