Autism and Diagnosis
Early detection of risk of autism and therapeutic intervention in the first year of life
The Mifne Center is a world pioneer in detection and treatment of infants at risk of autism!
Early diagnosis is critical in the treatment of autism. Since the 1990s, the age of diagnosis has consistently gone down. In many countries there is still the belief that autism can only be diagnosed at the age of two-three, but in recent years assessment tools have been developed that are able to detect symptoms related to autism in infants; Also, according to the 5th DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) it is possible in many cases to identify symptoms if they are present under the age of 12 months.
The brain is dynamic and undergoes a process of accelerated growth of neurons during infancy. The areas of the brain responsible for social connection develop rapidly from birth to two years of age. The clinical experience gained at the Mifne Center indicates that improvement in infancy is considerably more significant than in toddlers aged 2 years and older.

Risk Assessment Tests for Autism in Infants
Early detection of autism in infancy - what can be done?
Early detection of autism is beginning to permeate throughout the world. The question that arises here is-- how early? Following long-term research, and four decades of clinical experience, a tool for early detection of autism risk in the first year of life was developed at the Mifne Center; Early Symptoms of Pre-Autism Screening Scale in Infants (ESPASSI©).
This tool was tested as a pilot at the Sourasky (Ichilov) Tel Aviv Medical Center, from 2007-2012, and has been studied in various countries. Since then, we have observed many hundreds of babies with developmental difficulties, have gained a significant amount of clinical experience in detecting risks of autism in babies, and we are focusing on raising awareness among parents and professionals for the signs that may indicate the risk of autism in infants.
Our purpose is not to alarm parents. On the contrary; The intention is to give parents knowledge. Parental knowledge is the power to understand that there may be a problem, to look into it on time, and to realize that a child's fate can be changed through early intervention in the first year of life, which is a critical year in the development of every child.
If you as parents feel that your infant, already at 4-5 months old, does not make eye contact, is not interested in his surroundings, is unusually passive, has movements that seem strange to you and has difficulties in eating for a long period of time, without any medical condition being found, do not hesitate to consult with professionals. Don’t keep your worries to yourself. Don't get caught up in anxieties that may also affect your infant and may create a vicious cycle.
We can help you!
You can send an email or contact us by phone and briefly present your reason for inquiry. A clinical team member will get back to you shortly, listen to you, ask questions, and if there is a need, ask you to send a short video, recording your baby in different everyday life situations. After watching it, she will also give you basic guidance. If you are still worried and if there is a valid reason for this, you will be invited for an evaluation with your infant at the Mifne Center, located at the restoration site in Rosh Pina. The evaluation lasts about two hours, in a room suitable to the infant’s age and in the presence of the parents and an experienced developmental therapist. Our clinical team observes the infant through a one-way mirror. Afterwards, a discussion is held with each parent separately. If the infant can be left with the therapist without his/her parents, a discussion is held with both of them. During the discussion, the parents can watch their baby at any given moment via closed circuit tv. The entire test is filmed and is confidential. The parents fill out an ESPASSI © questionnaire that will help understand the infant’s condition. About a week after the observation, an evaluation report and recommendations will be sent to the parents.
Sometimes, the parents are asked if they would agree to participate in research. The private details of the participants are not disclosed and are confidential. If consent is given, they are asked to sign an informed consent form.